Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Strength of the Sun

The Sun becomes more intense as you get closer to the Equator.  The intense light and heat bear down on the house and outdoor light fixtures.  Combined with the Caribbean salty air, the nuts and bolts become one as they solidify. The synapses in my brain fire quickly with Vitamin D.  The words, images, and thoughts race toward the keyboard as my fingers quickly enter each sentence.  I fear I will be distracted by my surroundings before I can complete the transition.  The pool water sparkles as the Sun kisses the surface.  Tropical plants surround me - their petals of vibrant colors against the dark green foliage surround them.  The leaves are different shapes - some are elongated or spiked - some are round and waxy to the touch.  All of these things, living or not, affected by the strength of the Sun.

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