Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Touch of a Few Words

Do you sit back and think about what you just said?  Most of us probably don't even remember what we said an hour after we spoke.  Amazingly, I have had several recent situations when someone remembered what I said  -  from a very, long time ago. I met with a woman over lunch.  I had had many conversations with this woman and she was pretty much the 'negative Nancy' type.  No matter what or whom we discussed she did not have anything positive to add to the conversation.  This last time was quite the contrary.  She had sparkle in her eyes.  Her step was quicker.  She admitted she had been in counseling.  She told me; 'you know, I always thought you were better than me.  I realize something now.  You find the positive view and I sought a negative view.  I want you to know, I am going to try hard to do better and find the positive things in people.'  Her words touched me that day and I will remember them for a long time.

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