Saturday, November 28, 2015

I'm Fifty Now!

From time-to-time I hear; 'age doesn't make a difference!'  Well, I am hear to say it does.  I have learned from so many experiences in my past - good and bad.  I am forever hopeful I will be able to apply the outcome from my past to present day situations.  I am making a lot of decisions from the moment I arise to the few moments before I fall asleep.  Some of those decisions are routine and almost involuntary and there are others whereby I enter into a great deal of stress prior to making a decision.  Sometimes, I am wrong in the decision and it serves as either a reinforcement or a new learning curve for tomorrow.  However, and for the most part, I could not make the majority of my decisions expeditiously without having five decades of experience behind me.  To the present day I owe my success to the following statement with pride and a sense of accomplishment: 'I'm fifty now!'

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