Friday, October 30, 2015

Time Blocking

Blocking time to share with your loved one is equally as important as blocking time with your associates, networking, and scheduling your day.  There was a twenty-three year period when I did not go on any vacations.  That is correct - 23 years!  There are very positive results from blocking personal time which are just as meaningful and fulfilling as work related results.  Not that we don't do any work on our time away together - that, would not be a truthful statement.  But, I can attest (attestation has become a key word in my mortgage world of late) the short-term get-aways have provided an excellent way to reunite, invigorate, and regain a sense of whom I am and where I am going in life.  In the end my epitaph will probably not reference my work skills but, I'm  hopeful it will say something of my love for my partner in life, my children, and those many important people I have met along the way.

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