Monday, October 12, 2015


When I met the 'man I was supposed to be with' it wasn't exactly like the relationship of my dreams.  Now, let me expand on one aspect of our relationship a bit and the reason it started a bit bumpy.  The single most issue we had - we had some other issues but, they just aren't worth expanding upon today - was commitments.  He and I would make plans - actually, I discovered I made the plans.  He would forget or he just was used to changing his plans at any given point in time and, beg for forgiveness later.  This was a problem for me and it made him feel bad when he 'forgot.'  Finally, I had to stop getting mad at him and myself and find a way we could make plans and enjoy being with our loved ones, friends, and associates without a big issue beforehand.  Back in the day, my three best friends and I always had Friday night as 'girls night' and Saturday night was 'date night' with our boyfriends.  We never broke this commitment foregoing any other opportunities - even if it sounded like a better idea or more fun - and we lived quite harmoniously. So, based on past experience I suggested this concept to my man.  And you know what; it still works!  Commitments:  make it and keep the commitment even if something 'better' comes along.  You will have a much more peaceful relationship with your significant other(s) AND enjoy your life events!

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