Sunday, October 4, 2015

Humble Pie

I made it to Houston, Texas this weekend and also avoided much rain and nasty weather around Baltimore.  I have had a desire to visit Texas since I was quite young.  Having the pleasure to visit twice before in Dallas/Ft Worth a couple of years ago, this trip was even better - it was absolutely wonderful!  Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church was the primary reason for the visit.  It's so true what he says about the people who attend his service at Lakewood.  I would take that a little farther and state 'people in Texas are some of the greatest people in the United States' - perhaps, because so many of them have come from other areas to get away from areas they don't particularly care to associate themselves with and want to live like their fellow Texans.  At least; that is what most of the transplants told me as I visited various areas between Houston and Galveston.  Sitting so close to the stage Joel stood, listening to him live, and having the opportunity to pray with one of his prayer buddies gave me such a tremendous sense of euphoria and happiness and hope.  I also ate a rather large portion of 'humble pie' as I related to the messages this man had to offer his followers today.  

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