Monday, September 28, 2015

When I Need Help, I Know How To Ask For It!

When my three children were toddlers (they were thirty-three months apart), I used to talk to their pediatrician ad nauseam about having to say the same things over, and over, and over again to them.
He told me I would have to keep repeating myself until they listened.  Ahem; when I told him about my first born crying for six months after her first three weeks at home he told me I would be proud of her some day when she stood her ground and she would show persistence and perseverance.  It was a very hard lesson as a parent to learn but, that pediatrician was right - thank you Dr. Davick!  Okay.  I get it.  Some things take time to learn.  It took me a very long time to learn my pediatrician was right because I had to wait until my children became adults in order to see the benefits from my persistence and perseverance.
My point is rather simplistic;  know when to ask for help as well as understand that results may take time.

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