Sunday, September 20, 2015

Political Correctness Versus Pointed Remarks

Anyone who knows me also knows I can be blunt in my statements and forceful in my beliefs.  Both of these characteristic traits come from decades of learning and experience.  Generally, I don't make blunt comments to hurt someone although I do want my listener to understand how I feel.  Otherwise, I was not successful in conveying my information, concern, or advice to the listener.  I only recently developed a few very basic beliefs as I really didn't have ANY for many years.  I also understand that these two traits come with a certain cost to me.  I realize I can lose someone due to the strength of my delivery.  My daughter, Tara, just told me people can be hurt when I say things.  Ok.  I listened to Tara and I get it.  I also get the fact that too many people have a very fake smile and conniving side to their personality luring others to devastating financial bad decisions to line someone else's pants pocket or bank account with your hard earned cash.  Decide for yourself on which side of the fence you prefer to be.  Caution:  you may learn a lot.  The ongoing Republican debates are surely a good example of political correctness versus making blunt, pointed comments.  Can you truly afford to continue playing costly games or do you want to make good conversation and a direct impact to end in positive results?

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