Sunday, September 13, 2015

Change Something....a little something?!

The world revolves on its axis.  The anticipation of the next change in seasons is upon us. While the rotation and change in seasons is out of our control we still possess the ability to make a deliberate change in our work place, at home, and within.  As inhabitants of this huge rock we call planet Earth we know change is constant.  Throughout our human existence there are certainly ample lessons both theorized as well as learned.  Are you still trying to figure out what to change to make your income higher or shorten your workday to spend more time with your loved ones or gardening?  Change something.  That's right - go ahead and challenge yourself to change a little something in your life.  I'm not talking about something monumental like the path of reconstruction after a tsunami.  How about starting your day an hour earlier to end your day an hour earlier?   Or, what about losing fifteen pounds in three months?  One small change can provide dynamic results.  The thought may be mine but, the power of your success will be yours.

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