Saturday, July 16, 2022


 I recently decided to retire.  It is time.  There are so many things to do and see.  So much of life to live.  All pathways from my past are leading to a beautiful bouquet of amazing projects and ideas for my retirement years.  I am 'retiring' from a 24/7 job.  But, I guess I am not truly 'retiring'.  Let me explain.  I am not going to plop my butt on the sofa watching television, or watching grand children, or watching others stroll down a beach.  One of my clients, when I explained my plans after leaving my current profession, expressed it best.  She said, 'you are not re-tiring; you are re-focusing.'

Well, that is quite true.  And, several of the reasons I will be able to do what I have planned is because I decided to save for tomorrow.  IF, I would not have listened to certain un-named parties from my past I would be in FAR better financial shape today.    In 2004, I applied for a job with a pension.  A future savings plan.  In 2005, I started a 401k with a 6% employer contribution; another savings plan.   And, there is Social Security a joint savings plan with my past employers.  The combination of the 3 sources of income will provide a living for my 'golden years.' I began an investment account on my own with Robin Hood. I also set aside a couple of hundred dollars each month for annual fun stuff like vacations, birthdays, and weddings.   

Invest in yourself  or pay yourself first is not just some words from highly notable speakers and wealthy entrepreneurs and investors such as Warren Buffett.  Investing in yourself, paying yourself first is your nest egg for your future.  Keep in mind each person must make their own decisions for their financial health and well being.  Trusting individuals close to you may not be a good idea.  OR,  the people that say 'p-tuii' - I live for today.  Well: ok.  That may be good for them.  Is it good for you?

I suggest speaking with a third party such as a financial advisor in your community or at your bank.  Someone you can sit in front of preferably.  AND, if their recommendations sound too good to be true i.e. 'we'll get you a rate of return twice as much as what other investors do for their clients' RUN.  Just end the conversation with a simple 'thank you.'  REMINDER:  Ponzi scheme ala Bernie Madoff.  One of the most recent notorious of schemers.  If you do not know what a Ponzi scheme is, I suggest doing some research on this topic.

Saving for tomorrow may sound like an incredible reduction of your net available cash today; however, the growth of your investment(s) may provide an income level equal to or better than your current income.  There is great potential.  As my husband has stated in a somewhat jokingly and rather frequent comment to me; 'I need you to keep me living in the style I have grown accustomed.'  

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