Saturday, June 18, 2022


 A difficult concept for some and a surprisingly interesting discovery for others.  Perhaps spontaneity is an in-grown trait; one we are born with as opposed to one which is acquired during the lifespan. I have a friend who plans everything.  Writes it down all the time.  I don't recall a single instance where she has forgotten or confused a time we had planned together in fifty years!  Hey...I have known some people for a really long time and am still blessed with hanging out with them, sharing our children's weddings, or just getting together for Maryland steamed crabs.

I like keeping a schedule-my agenda book-and have done so for several decades-(I like the weekly agenda version).  I could not live without it.  In one book, I have both personal and business events and appointments. Sometimes it is a scribbled mess and I have difficulty deciphering my own handwriting.  On a few occasions, I have made mistakes or missed appointments by either having my agenda open on the wrong week or got really busy in the morning and failed to check it BEFORE I got tangled in the complexities of my day.

However, I have realized to err is human and I manage to give myself some leniency as well as remind myself to do a better job of remembering the importance of keeping appointments and respecting other's time.  Punctuality is a very important part of me and providing a quality level of service to my clients or in my personal life as well as maintain a level of sanity; particularly, when an intense workload or events surround me.

I was driving with my husband on September 11th during COVID.  I had this compelling feeling I had to connect with my patriotism-my belief in my country and it's history of strength and values.  I felt the world around me was losing their minds and I didn't want to fall victim to a fear mentality.  SO.....I convinced him to drive to Hoboken at 3:30 in the afternoon to view the twin towers lit up at night from across the Hudson River.  If you have never been to Hoboken, New Jersey perhaps you would enjoy the Manhattan skyline view as much as we did while sitting at Blue Eyes Restaurant on Frank Sinatra Drive.  The sight was amazing.  BUT, what was equally amazing was his comment to me as we drove in traffic about an hour from our destination.   "You know, since I met you, I have done some interesting things I never thought about."  His spoken words have become a mental treasure.  A gift.  A memory.

Scheduling is all well and good but, what about those times where you don't have anything on your calendar OR when you have an appointment but, you want to change things up?  This is where spontaneous actions will make your day, your job, and your life so much more interesting.  Meet a client at the local ice cream shop instead of the coffee shop, interrupt the group to suggest going outside to talk at the employee picnic tables, take your meeting to the sidewalk and brisk walk for 30 minutes, or pick up the phone and call someone to meet up in the next hour instead of sending an email or text.  Act on a thought or a premise and carry it out to find out where it takes you.  

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