Look around you; not in your home. But, outside-behold the beautiful scenes of mother earth. The grass is turning green. The early tulips have peeked through the soil; their leaves formed and growing skyward. The daffodils have already bloomed in yellow and cream colors enveloped in long, green leaves. The buds on the trees and landscaping bushes are formed. Even the gardening plants, started indoors with artificial light, have been placed outdoors to enjoy the natural sunlight and fresh air. It takes energy to make these things take place: formed from water, nutrients in the soil, and sunlight. Energy; the first law of Thermodynamics-it cannot be created or destroyed. Think about that for a moment. Pause here. Think about what has gone into those plants and trees and how sources of energy such as the suns power propels life; to thrive and grow.
Your energy. What propels you? Do you have enough energy to get you through your day? Now; are you serious about making a change or two to get more of it? As a parent, you realized two significant aspects of life. One; your children have endless energy and two: you have barely enough energy to get to bed time. I'm sure there is a parent out there that may beg to differ; I applaud you. If you don't have children you may have witnessed their little bodies scurrying across a playground while squealing in delight. You may have smiled in admiration just wishing you could bottle it for consumption later. Since energy theoretically cannot be created or destroyed you have access to a variety of foods or sources of energy to complete your daily tasks. It is the routines in our life and constant changes commanding strain on the body and depletion of energy. The foods and liquids we ingest break down into nutrients and fats; the excess excreted and some stored while others give us the fuel to complete our tasks. Sleep and rest allow the body to heal and replenish the blood, repair muscle tissue, and generate new cells to do it all over again the next day, and the next, and.....
I see my friends and others around me. They can't sleep; they pop a pill. They have high blood pressure; they pop a pill. They have lower back pain; you get my point. That is their choice. I watch as they walk slumped over in the early morning; their joints achey. I see others with bloated faces and bodies from taking anti-anxiety medicine. Their energy levels have declined. The liver detoxes what you intake; the vital organs work harder to maintain function and largely suffer from the long-time usage. May I suggest making an appointment with a nutritionist next time you feel run down or are concerned about your overall health. They will be able to establish a plan of diet specifically for your health needs. This could be a great enhancement to your quality of life and provide you with a return of energy unlike what you have experienced.
If you feel your energy levels decline early in your day or form bursts throughout the day, perhaps a change in diet, exercise, or restructuring your activities will balance your mind and body. I also realize genetics plays a significant role in our health. Working consistently on diet can help offset some of the genetic predispositions. My predispositions are belly fat, high cholesterol, and what was termed by my neurologist; fancy migraines. Debilitating migraines. I have worked toward changing these genetic traits and will continue to do so. I have found increasing water just by a couple of 12 - 16 ounce glasses in my day plump up my skin and reduce my desire to snack on sweets. Although, anyone who knows me certainly has witnessed my preference to dark chocolate-in moderation. Life has too many simple pleasures to ignore. Make some changes; even a small change-become amazed with your new energy level.
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