Friday, March 25, 2022


 If energy cannot be created nor destroyed, then a picture creates a thousand words is quite apropos when it comes to color.  Color: the color of your eyes, the shades of makeup, the color of your skin and hair, and your clothes.  These are most memorable to the people you meet.  They may not remember all of them but, I can guarantee something about the colors you wear will permeate their memory storage unit.  Color can give you a certain vibe and provide a dynamic contrast. 

Color has meaning, definition, and initiates emotion.  A red tie worn by a man-particularly when worn under a dark suit accompanied by a crisp, white shirt sends a message.  I feel powerful-look at me-what do you see and hear?   A woman wearing a fiery red or cobalt blue dress or gown; elegant and gorgeous.  Color draws attention-especially, amongst a crowd of monochromatic colors of browns, blacks, and greys. Color possesses an audience.  Color attracts attention.  Color brings vibrancy to a dull look.  Color will  enhance and effect your skin tone, the iris of the eye, as well as your mood.

Try on two outfits.  One of monochromatic shades of brown or black.  Add a brilliant orange or red shirt. A single step may be all you can handle.  No worries; you are going in the right direction.  Perhaps a pair of fancy or bright colored socks to wear with those loafers.  Maybe go bare and no socks!  Go even further and compare an outfit of bright colors-add a few dazzling accessories and VIOLA!  You feel great, you look great, and others will both notice and remember you.  

Whether you are attending an important business event, going on your first date, meeting some very important people, or just meeting a friend for coffee; don't forget to wear your color!

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