Sunday, March 26, 2023


This is not like the cattle branding you see on Yellowstone; however, once you have determined whether you have a business or a hobby you will understand my point of relevance.  Brand is something you want to establish for your product, business, or service for its lifetime.  First; look at what you want to do.  Take time and do your due diligence.  Research is key here.  Google or Bing it for goodness sake!  If there is one thing we know it is the value of a search engine.  Use multiple keywords much like someone would do looking for your business.  Are there other products on the market already?  If so, what do you offer that is different or are you much the same?  Do you offer better pricing?  Do you have the capability of expanding in the future or do you feel you have an adequate location to operate from?  A hobby is well; just that.  A hobby is something you like to make or do but, the prospects of making money from it is not long lasting.  

Think about what you want to do in a long-term time frame and what your end goal is.  Here are a few more questions to answer.  Is this something you can retire with?  Is there potential to sell the business when the foundation for profit is adequately made?  Each one of these scenarios requires a bit of a change in the thought processes and ways you want to approach branding.  Other items may be added to a product line.  Honing in on just one item may not ultimately be your brand.  There are name brands out there you can think of or when someone mentions them to you, an image appears instantly in your mind.  That is a brand.  It is an immediate recognition of the product/service/business.  There is no confusion of what is being sold.   As an aside, a logo represents the brand upon visualization.  The logo is not the brand.

Branding strikes a note like on a piano keyboard.  It is unique.  It is easily recognized.  It elicits an emotion, a sound, or mental imagery.  It is the uniqueness of the business unlike any other.  I started my women's networking group over 10 years ago. As a group we named and created a logo for it and  named a scent of a candle for WOW (women optimizing women).  I wasn't thinking about brand or logo when I started.  My primary reason for creating this local group was devoted to the philosophy of a mission.  To engage other women in a good quality of networking to build their business with others of like-mind.  I wanted to spread the word of WOW.  I wanted to give my gift of leadership and tenacity and teach others to build their strengths while doing the same with others.  Eighteen months ago I discovered I had a business and subsequently created an LLC.  The website WOWWOMENUS.COM was launched on March 1, 2023 to coincide with National Women's History Month.  WOW communicates the mission of building, establishing, referring, and support.  

WOW brings women of all ages, nationalities, religions, occupations, cultures, and socio-economic levels together.  It does not compartmentalize, fragment, or isolate women.  WOW is true diversity.  The brand is the culmination of all things WOW including the logo.  WOW - do it...together!

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