Friday, April 15, 2022


 Every morning I wake up with a song in my head.  I cannot control this.  I have done this most of my life.  Today, it is Tony Orlando and Dawn's 'Knock Three Times'.  Sometimes, I connect to YouTube and play the song and just let the others follow.  Especially, in the afternoons.  In the morning, I am busy reading emails, sorting through the previous day's communications for follow up or disposition, and viewing my agenda for appointments or diaried notes to complete tasks.  Some coaches recommend viewing tasks first to get the business on track for the day.  This is a good approach as well as the emails can put you in a vortex. 

 In your mind, think of a cigarette and the image of the smoke curling, blending with the air until it dissipates.  It is no longer visible but, the chemicals are in the air.  You can still smell the cigarette long after you extinguish the butt.  To some the fragrance is annoying.  To others it is gross.  And, still others find it an invitation to light up.  Your mind responds to chemicals and the release of hormones different from testosterone or estrogen.  For instance, your brain when stressed sends signals from the hypothalamus (a small area at the base of your brain)  to your adrenal glands-on top of your kidneys.  This creates the release of cortisol and adrenaline.  Cortisol affects your fight or flight mechanism.  I call it the 911 affect.  It also alters areas of the brain for the levels of motivation, fear, and can alter your mood.  Adrenaline increases your heart rate.  That's why you feel that strong rush when you review that missed email from the day before and realize you are now late for an important task or failed to call that important client-OR, propels you into action to get things done.

Long-term effects can occur from ongoing stress.  Psychosomatic disorders occur.  Psycho-mind and somatic-body.  Your mind controls your body in so many ways.  Irritability, stomach problems, anxiety and depression are some negative results created by ongoing stress.  Sleep deprivation can occur.  Harness your stress.  Your mind is powerful much like muscle tissue from strength training.  Take walks in the afternoon.  Cook a meal with your spouse or children.  Go out on a date night on Wednesday.  Reduce your sugar and increase your water intake.  Slight adjustments can result in a large end result.  Little things matter and cascade into significant benefits.

In the afternoon, my day can become rather intense and my mind full of tasks to complete.  My head can easily become overwhelmed and I can feel the pulsation as my blood pressure and temperature increase. This is when I turn to music to create background noise.  Music keeps a part of my mind busy so the other part of my brain focuses on key developments, restructuring my business, and working on projects requiring a block of time.  Mondays and Fridays in my work world can be intense and stressful.  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are good days to go out on appointments, attend business meetings.  They are also good days to schedule blocks of time for marketing and learning.  

Silence may be golden but, playing music is my choice to help calm me and reduce those natural releases from my mind and body.  I become more productive and get more enjoyment from my day.

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