Saturday, July 4, 2015

Common Sense..

From my experiences, 'common' to one may not necessary be 'common' to someone else.  I am seeing a division of beliefs in my country.  I am both sentimental and patriotic on this 4th of July holiday.  This day is also my fathers birthday.  He fought in two wars in the US Army.  My eldest brother was in the Navy and traveled the world under sea level in a nuclear submarine.  My nephew served in the Marine Reserves over two decades and left his family state-side several times while assigned to the Gulf War.  Each one of these men sacrificed their lives and their families to serve in the military.  Do the families and people living in this great country that oppose the government our forefathers fought so hard to establish  have family members that fought for their freedoms and right to independence? Living in this land of the home and the brave to enjoy the freedoms our Declaration of Independence gave the people of the United States is a privilege.  Celebrating the remembrance of the hardships, sacrifices, and victories of those that fought for me is common sense.  

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