Monday, June 1, 2015

Vacation-What It Is All About-Ralphie

Vacation in European countries lasts a month.  In some countries, businesses shut down during the work day allowing employees to take a siesta or go home for lunch.  Dining and eating is a true 'experience.'  Food and drink is savored emotionally while the tongues of diners welcome the distinct ethnic and cultural foods.  In the United States, a vacation of a week is considered normal.  Anything beyond this length of time is frowned upon by employers and enviously viewed by co-workers.  Lunch is generally in the form of fast food or  brown-bagged to meet the usual thirty minute deadline allocated during the work day.  Our stress level is high. Our overuse of prescription medications match this level.  We chemically alter our body's natural response mechanisms just to manage our day. I'm not saying every person/family should follow the month-long vacation of our European partners but,  I do say 'what is it all about?'

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