Friday, December 16, 2022


 This is an ongoing one that just does not go away-EVER!   Learning is a process that continues through the lifespan.  I once thought it would stop after I graduated from high school-HA!  No more school, no more text books, or stupid tests.  As an adult it took me quite sometime to really understand the concept of learning.  Learning is not just from texts or from an instructor or teacher.  One of the things I recognized is just how much you learn from observation, doing, and listening to others.

AND, I realized I had not acquired the skills of learning.  No one told me I had to learn to learn.  My particular style of learning is not just reading or listening.  It also includes doing and seeing-observation if you will.  I also came to understand the importance of reading particular topics.  Mostly, I realized I had to recollect my experiences, extrapolate ideas and concepts from them, and decide how I would venture forward with personal, business, and family.  Sometimes, I made repeated mistakes and other times I know the price to pay for a mistake could be critical and careful attention is needed.  

Experience is not something learned in a textbook.  Experience can be forgotten.  Experiences are what enlightens our life, gives us the essence of who we are, and adds to our toolbox of knowledge to make us better as humans.  I took time this week to reflect on my lengthy travel.  At first, I felt as though I had not done very much at all.  I wrote all the things I had accomplished.  The people I met and the purpose for the meetings.  I did a lot more than I realized.  Interestingly enough, I came to the conclusion I could have not accomplished so much WITHOUT experiences from my corporate life.  My success in both my WOW-Women Optimizing Women business and my first novel-Aruba Vacation with Aruba Joe (purchases:, and being able to create my first website ( are primarily due to the sales, marketing, and extensive educational experiences I have done.

I was able to evaluate my most recent accomplishments, tweak those that needed my attention, and know that they will continue to grow and change.  This learning from experience is non-negotiable and is deep within.  It comes from years of growth and I look forward to so much more.

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