Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Double Speak

Do you get confused by the message(s) you receive from your loved ones, friends, or your boss? From my perspective, communication has certainly become quite challenging.  The rapid requests and responses via technology pile up and become quite cumbersome.  There are times I feel on top of everything in my life.  Things may not be completed but, I am certainly aware of their status.  Then, I get a call or another message or a quizzical facial expression.  It seems we have succumbed to some sort of 'double speak'.  We think we are communicating what seems to be clear and concise information.  It's in writing, text, or highlighted on a piece of paper.  And then it happens.  You receive a call and someone is angry or upset with you.  You shake your head in disbelief as a myriad of past events pertaining to the subject matter flood your gray matter.  Perhaps, we need more dialogue and less technology to avoid conflict and get the job done right!

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