Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Life Gives You Stories

The big family wedding day occurs.  The bride is gorgeous - the groom as handsome as ever.  The caterer times the guests tables perfectly.  The evening flows according to the meticulous planning of the event.  So many smiling faces beam toward me as I peruse the crowd, greet, and extend my gratitude for the presence of the many guests while happy feet dance to the tunes of the DJ couple.  And then, the party is over; the celebration lovingly lingers through the weekend.  As my reflection of the past couple of days encircles my brain today ("Happy" is the tune that greets me) I realize so many life stories had emerged from that beautiful day.  A few of those stories were rather tragic and still others brought tears of joy and laughter.  There will be many stories to tell in the future.

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