Friday, June 16, 2023


 Just as we see ourselves differently in our reflection in the mirror, we can also outwardly reflect our innermost feelings of negativity toward others.  We project feelings of disdain toward another person while experiencing inner turmoil and conflict.  All this occurs while we view ourselves as the morally just or righteous one.  We all receive information via our senses:  smell, taste, sound, touch, and vision while the perception of the data received is as unique as our personality and can alter how we interpret and respond to a situation.  Our past experiences and observations, activities we participated in, our community morays, or discriminations can play a role in this process as well.  

The viewpoint of self versus the viewpoint of another is conflicting.  It can be evil or aggressive outwardly toward another party while being positive and complimentary of self. Both parties can experience this same effect while in turmoil and conflict while feeling themselves as correct and the other is not.  We may be justified by fact and logic while the other party is dependent on emotion and feelings.  This opposition is most notable in the field of politics or in our religious sector.  We can become afraid or hostile with unreasonable views. Or feel justified in our righteousness and our teachings. This can also lead to misunderstandings, an escalation in conflict, and even physical violence.  

While trying to get my hair under control after a shower, I often brush my hair over the sink to isolate the loose strands while keeping them from landing on the floor.  It is easier to wipe the sink with a slightly damp tissue and throw it in the trash can than sweep or quick vacuuming of the ceramic tile.   I hate hairy floors underfoot. Then, I try to arrange my half-dried strands into a manageable position.  I'm not big on hair driers or hot curling irons.  Have you stood in the mirror and tried to fix your hair with a comb or brush?  It is the complete opposite.  As you pull the hair outward it is just the opposite side of what you intend to do.  It takes a bit of focus and a level of comprehension to understand as the right side appears to be on the left and vice versa.  

I want my image from my mirror to be consistent with how others interpret me.  I've changed a lot from several years past when there was a time I didn't give it much thought.  I just didn't have the time nor would I make the time.  If we want to, if we have the desire, and if we are honest with ourselves we can change our self-image.  We can also change the mirror imaging we project toward others.  We have time.  We can focus.  But, we must WANT to do this.  It is not a need.  Our basic needs are more likely met already.  Wanting to do something is far different than a need.  Changing the way we see and view our world can be done by looking at the side-one side versus the other.  Recognizing there is a difference and we cannot change that of what we see but, can change how we internalize it. And how we respond to it.  Look in the mirror.  What do you see?


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