Friday, July 21, 2023


One part of business appears to be unpracticed and misunderstood by many and perfected by a few.  Referrals.  Whether you refer business or receive referrals you know the power of the referral.  This is overlooked in sales positions as a part of the basic training.  It is seldom revisited in regular meetings and is not taught by managers.  Surely it is mentioned and definitely a topic of discussion. Perhaps the managers never acquired the skill themselves. Therefore, they are ill-equipped to discuss the philosophy and follow through on the benefits of referrals.  The importance of referrals remains clear.  Without it, you will have a mediocre career.  This is where your relationships truly matter.

Who is your best referral source?  What are the demographics or geographic details you need to pay attention to focus on for future business?  I like to think of the referrals as a two-tiered process.  The first part is a building tier.  This requires providing a good level of customer service and satisfaction.  As your experience grows and your customer base increases, you are apt to receive referrals from those you have helped.  They are more inclined to recommend a person when you gave them prompt and effective service or a professional service or product of quality in a timely fashion.  Price may not be a factor.  The second is maintaining a database of your customers for follow-up and developing a system to acknowledge your referral source.  This can be somewhat difficult in a heavily regulated industry such as financial and the type of appreciation you can bestow upon them may have limitations.  

One of the things I learned in mortgage lending was people needed help with their finances.  They wanted to have a discussion.  They wanted to explain their circumstances and heavily relied on a loan officer with a diverse background for help.  Real estate and money and family are very emotional topics.  The interest rate was discussed later in the conversation.  A full discussion to include future plans needed to be uncovered before a discussion of the interest rate.  I quickly found out-one mortgage does not fit all.  There were many people who refinanced multiple times with varying terms and reasons over a 7 to 10-year period.  Some people were adding to their principal balance and paying unnecessary fees and interest because they did not want to have the discussion.  For instance; they wanted to refinance because their neighbor did.  Those that did have an in-depth discussion with me, were more inclined to have a mortgage solution, that made sense and was financially palatable saving them money in the long term.  Those were the people who became repeat customers and gave referrals to their friends and family members to use my services.   And, that is precisely what I strive for today.

If someone wants quality service, assistance, or product, they understand value.  Price isn't their first thought and isn't necessarily the driving force to seek your business help.  Keep that in mind.  Your service/product has value.  It is valued by others.  You work hard and your customers understand this.  That is why the referral system works.  It is a reward for your hard work, level of expertise, and dedication to your belief in yourself.  Knowing your value adds to your confidence and works in tandem with success and prosperity.   

Friday, July 14, 2023


 One of the things I learned about successful people, well, basically people in general is they are multi-faceted.  No one has a single focus in life including their job.  No one has a single character trait.  As a woman, I learned this to be a fact in my 50s.  I thought people with a learning disorder were defined by that disorder-the singular thread making them who they were.  I also thought a businesswoman had to be strictly focused on her business to be successful.  I believed a woman had to work harder than her male counterparts to gain acceptance and to be a viable part of the community.  

While investing my time in learning and discovering ways to improve my performance and skills, I've read multiple books like Darren Hardy's 'The Compound Effect' or Jack Canfield's 'Chicken Soup for the Soul'.  I read many books but, those two just popped up in my mind quickly.  I also listened to many CDs such as those created by the respected Zig Zigler-American author and speaker.  I attended counseling sessions with a local psychologist while searching to uncover my personality traits and comprehension processes.  I even met with several businessmen over a 7-year period.  That's right- SEVEN YEARS!  And, I learned a lot about how the male mind works and discussed their thoughts, goals, plans, and objectives.  I quickly realized I did not have much input on these topics and soon developed a desire to learn how to put them in place and practice them.   Note:  I didn't know what the difference was between a CD and a DVD until I met them. 

Technology seems to be a profession and industry dominated by men.  My father and brothers were interested in engines and radios, transmitters and circuit boards, and building model airplanes. Even in this day and age, few women seem to work in and specialize in IT (information technology).   Here's another admission:  I didn't even know what the acronym stood for!  I was in search of the magic bullet.  I gradually figured it out to my level of satisfaction; it was not what I expected.  I anticipated something a lot different and I will do my best to finish my writing on this topic at a sooner rather than later date and release it to the world.

I want to share much of my discoveries and findings with others; particularly, women as I feel many topics have not entered into their repertoire of conversations.  They have been rather busy discussing fashion, children, relationships, and the latest sales at the grocery store or mall.  I'm not demeaning them in any way and women certainly discuss a lot more topics than these but, I found it and continue to find it difficult to discuss business topics with my long-term friends.  As my children grew, I am able to speak with them about business.  They are engaged.  

There was another reason I felt the need to begin a women's networking group.  I realized there were others out there - like me.  We have a thirst for like-minded conversation.  Multi-faceted conversations which also included the topics in the previous paragraph and many more.  I discovered while many ladies discussed business topics at length most enjoy reading good books.  Amazon is the largest retailer selling the most books.  Large book publishers follow in second place.  

There are numerous findings on the internet as to which gender reads and purchases more books.  It appears women do and they choose fiction.  Probably to escape their multi-faceted world of domestic chores and the complexities of the workplace while coordinating the activities schedule of the family and figuring out which foods and products are needed for the next visit to the store. No wonder they have embraced online ordering and delivery apps.  It makes sense.   I was thirsty for information and wanted to learn more and I still do as I venture into the workplace as an entrepreneur and the multi-faceted challenges and exciting path before me.

Friday, July 7, 2023


 To some, going to the end of the line may seem like an insult or a slap in the face or somewhat disconcerting.  I don't think this at all.  The line is long in the store and I am not necessarily happy to wait but, seize the opportunity to check my emails or text messages on my phone.  If I'm not particularly interested in doing any work or having to connect with anyone, I start looking at the 'fish papers' on the racks on either side of the aisle as my grandmother called them, and read the scandalous titles on the front pages of the magazines.  I have rarely purchased one of them and just like seeing how silly people are and know there is a segment of the population who love reading about the possible hardships and fighting amongst the rich and famous or seeing the pictures capturing the aliens and big foot while people hiked through the woods

I have another particular viewpoint of the end of the line which stemmed from my days in elementary school.  After a workout on the green fields where we played baseball or soccer or on the playground swinging across the 'monkey bars' or spinning on the metal merry-go-round.  Notably, these types of playground equipment are now banned and replaced by colorful plastic types.  I bet we had more fun!  And I know we got more cuts and scrapes and learned a few more life lessons on the cement playground.  Afterward, the teacher would line us up at the water fountain.  She would pull the hands of an aggressive classmate off the other more timid one as they fought to be first in line and send, usually a boy, to the end of the line.  And, it was usually one of the more popular boys I might add.  There were many times the popular children in school got special treatment.  Especially, if they were more attractive than others with their good looks or entertaining behaviors. 

Coming from a family of six siblings, I grew to like being last, standing calm while I watched the other's performance of chaos and the adults became flustered or angry with them.  Faces grew red and overheated, especially in the summer months, while sweat poured from every one of us.  The girls dresses clung to our legs and the boys' polo shirts were drenched in sweat.  I can remember watching; waiting as the line got shorter and my opportunity was fast approaching.  The teacher patted each child on the shoulder when their time was up as they thirstily sucked the cool water into their parched mouths, licking their lips and wiping the remaining drops with their arm as they scurried off to their seats in the classroom across the hall. Some would put their mouths over the spigot or put their heads in front of the water stream. Such innocence and basic fundamentals were learned and so refreshing.  

To this day, I will wait patiently while others strive to be first and get in front of others; racing-always racing against or for something I cannot comprehend.  What I have learned is there are times it is best to stand back and observe.  And, to stand with the most popular boys in my class.  To take in the coolness of the running waters all alone and savor the last few seconds of silence and maybe get a little more time than all the others at the drinking fountain with the teacher.  A bit of time to bond in a way the others lost the opportunity but, I alone, would appreciate.