Sunday, March 29, 2015

Change + Time = Wisdom

As it is coming to a close, I am questioning myself in regard to what I have done for the first quarter of the year.   Conversely, I also think about what my goals are for the remainder of the year.   It is important to note that one cannot have a beginning without an end.  Some of my accomplishments to date may be small, however, I measure my successes by the calendar year.  The successes are cumulative and varied.  I  also recognize I need to realign my goals as I realize how significant 'change' became in my life.  Although I do not recall anyone emphasizing it's significance at any point in time; 'change' is inevitable and has been a factor in determining my success.  Years ago, I did not consider how dynamic 'change' was in relation to my goals.  Time, as well as change, are healers of wounds, are markers for accomplishment, and are what lead us to wisdom.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Writing Has Unique Challenges

Writing sure has it's challenges.  The dog constantly claws at the glass door next to my sofa begging to be let out once again.  The plants surrounding me in my small, side porch seem to be drier than the last time I sat with them so I end up watering them.  The large mirror on the wall appears a bit foggy and I feel compelled to wipe it with glass cleaner.  Even the spider webs in the two corners of the ceiling are a bit more dense and I make a note to remove them.  After being mindful of these items, I realign my focus and begin typing on my laptop.  With a smile I realize the challenges of writing and completing my first book is not just about the lack of creativity or writer's block.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Age - Does It Matter?

The topic of age comes up more frequently now than I can recall from conversations of the past. Age is a primary factor in considerations for employment or a relationship.  It is definitely part of my reality.   I am 'fifty now' as I claim to most people who dare to ask.  But, should age matter?  When the focus of age muddies the selection or decision process perhaps deleting 'age' may be helpful.   At the end of the day, can performance in a productive role in a job or engagement in a successful relationship be reduced to one's date of birth?