Saturday, November 28, 2015

I'm Fifty Now!

From time-to-time I hear; 'age doesn't make a difference!'  Well, I am hear to say it does.  I have learned from so many experiences in my past - good and bad.  I am forever hopeful I will be able to apply the outcome from my past to present day situations.  I am making a lot of decisions from the moment I arise to the few moments before I fall asleep.  Some of those decisions are routine and almost involuntary and there are others whereby I enter into a great deal of stress prior to making a decision.  Sometimes, I am wrong in the decision and it serves as either a reinforcement or a new learning curve for tomorrow.  However, and for the most part, I could not make the majority of my decisions expeditiously without having five decades of experience behind me.  To the present day I owe my success to the following statement with pride and a sense of accomplishment: 'I'm fifty now!'

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Touch of a Few Words

Do you sit back and think about what you just said?  Most of us probably don't even remember what we said an hour after we spoke.  Amazingly, I have had several recent situations when someone remembered what I said  -  from a very, long time ago. I met with a woman over lunch.  I had had many conversations with this woman and she was pretty much the 'negative Nancy' type.  No matter what or whom we discussed she did not have anything positive to add to the conversation.  This last time was quite the contrary.  She had sparkle in her eyes.  Her step was quicker.  She admitted she had been in counseling.  She told me; 'you know, I always thought you were better than me.  I realize something now.  You find the positive view and I sought a negative view.  I want you to know, I am going to try hard to do better and find the positive things in people.'  Her words touched me that day and I will remember them for a long time.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Problem VS Solution

What a dramatic difference one can make when evaluating at a situation.  I will expand here.  Breast cancer:  my life is over and I can't believe this is happening to me VS I will beat this disease and my family and friends will give me the support I need.  Attitude adjustment:  you always had it better than me - I don't talk to my children VS I want to live a happier life  and am calling my children to visit with them.  Work:  these goals are way to high - how in the world can I double my production in this lousy economy VS I never quite considered setting that type of goal - I know changing my organization of my daily routine can make a huge difference in my production.  Whether you view a situation as a problem or a solution will determine the outcome in your life.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Strength of the Sun

The Sun becomes more intense as you get closer to the Equator.  The intense light and heat bear down on the house and outdoor light fixtures.  Combined with the Caribbean salty air, the nuts and bolts become one as they solidify. The synapses in my brain fire quickly with Vitamin D.  The words, images, and thoughts race toward the keyboard as my fingers quickly enter each sentence.  I fear I will be distracted by my surroundings before I can complete the transition.  The pool water sparkles as the Sun kisses the surface.  Tropical plants surround me - their petals of vibrant colors against the dark green foliage surround them.  The leaves are different shapes - some are elongated or spiked - some are round and waxy to the touch.  All of these things, living or not, affected by the strength of the Sun.